Data Structures
- 简介
- 安装/配置
- 预定义常量
- 范例
- Collection — The Collection interface
- Ds\Collection::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Collection::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the collection
- Ds\Collection::isEmpty — Returns whether the collection is empty
- Ds\Collection::toArray — Converts the collection to an array
- Hashable — The Hashable interface
- Ds\Hashable::equals — Determines whether an object is equal to the current instance
- Ds\Hashable::hash — Returns a scalar value to be used as a hash value
- Sequence — The Sequence interface
- Ds\Sequence::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Sequence::apply — Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value
- Ds\Sequence::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Sequence::contains — Determines if the sequence contains given values
- Ds\Sequence::filter — Creates a new sequence using a callable to determine which values to include
- Ds\Sequence::find — Attempts to find a value's index
- Ds\Sequence::first — Returns the first value in the sequence
- Ds\Sequence::get — Returns the value at a given index
- Ds\Sequence::insert — Inserts values at a given index
- Ds\Sequence::join — Joins all values together as a string
- Ds\Sequence::last — Returns the last value
- Ds\Sequence::map — Returns the result of applying a callback to each value
- Ds\Sequence::merge — Returns the result of adding all given values to the sequence
- Ds\Sequence::pop — Removes and returns the last value
- Ds\Sequence::push — Adds values to the end of the sequence
- Ds\Sequence::reduce — Reduces the sequence to a single value using a callback function
- Ds\Sequence::remove — Removes and returns a value by index
- Ds\Sequence::reverse — Reverses the sequence in-place
- Ds\Sequence::reversed — Returns a reversed copy
- Ds\Sequence::rotate — Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations
- Ds\Sequence::set — Updates a value at a given index
- Ds\Sequence::shift — Removes and returns the first value
- Ds\Sequence::slice — Returns a sub-sequence of a given range
- Ds\Sequence::sort — Sorts the sequence in-place
- Ds\Sequence::sorted — Returns a sorted copy
- Ds\Sequence::sum — Returns the sum of all values in the sequence
- Ds\Sequence::unshift — Adds values to the front of the sequence
- Vector — The Vector class
- Ds\Vector::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Vector::apply — Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value
- Ds\Vector::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Vector::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Vector::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Vector::contains — Determines if the vector contains given values
- Ds\Vector::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the vector
- Ds\Vector::count — Returns the number of values in the collection
- Ds\Vector::filter — Creates a new vector using a callable to determine which values to include
- Ds\Vector::find — Attempts to find a value's index
- Ds\Vector::first — Returns the first value in the vector
- Ds\Vector::get — Returns the value at a given index
- Ds\Vector::insert — Inserts values at a given index
- Ds\Vector::isEmpty — Returns whether the vector is empty
- Ds\Vector::join — Joins all values together as a string
- Ds\Vector::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Vector::last — Returns the last value
- Ds\Vector::map — Returns the result of applying a callback to each value
- Ds\Vector::merge — Returns the result of adding all given values to the vector
- Ds\Vector::pop — Removes and returns the last value
- Ds\Vector::push — Adds values to the end of the vector
- Ds\Vector::reduce — Reduces the vector to a single value using a callback function
- Ds\Vector::remove — Removes and returns a value by index
- Ds\Vector::reverse — Reverses the vector in-place
- Ds\Vector::reversed — Returns a reversed copy
- Ds\Vector::rotate — Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations
- Ds\Vector::set — Updates a value at a given index
- Ds\Vector::shift — Removes and returns the first value
- Ds\Vector::slice — Returns a sub-vector of a given range
- Ds\Vector::sort — Sorts the vector in-place
- Ds\Vector::sorted — Returns a sorted copy
- Ds\Vector::sum — Returns the sum of all values in the vector
- Ds\Vector::toArray — Converts the vector to an array
- Ds\Vector::unshift — Adds values to the front of the vector
- Deque — The Deque class
- Ds\Deque::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Deque::apply — Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value
- Ds\Deque::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Deque::clear — Removes all values from the deque
- Ds\Deque::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Deque::contains — Determines if the deque contains given values
- Ds\Deque::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the deque
- Ds\Deque::count — Returns the number of values in the collection
- Ds\Deque::filter — Creates a new deque using a callable to determine which values to include
- Ds\Deque::find — Attempts to find a value's index
- Ds\Deque::first — Returns the first value in the deque
- Ds\Deque::get — Returns the value at a given index
- Ds\Deque::insert — Inserts values at a given index
- Ds\Deque::isEmpty — Returns whether the deque is empty
- Ds\Deque::join — Joins all values together as a string
- Ds\Deque::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Deque::last — Returns the last value
- Ds\Deque::map — Returns the result of applying a callback to each value
- Ds\Deque::merge — Returns the result of adding all given values to the deque
- Ds\Deque::pop — Removes and returns the last value
- Ds\Deque::push — Adds values to the end of the deque
- Ds\Deque::reduce — Reduces the deque to a single value using a callback function
- Ds\Deque::remove — Removes and returns a value by index
- Ds\Deque::reverse — Reverses the deque in-place
- Ds\Deque::reversed — Returns a reversed copy
- Ds\Deque::rotate — Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations
- Ds\Deque::set — Updates a value at a given index
- Ds\Deque::shift — Removes and returns the first value
- Ds\Deque::slice — Returns a sub-deque of a given range
- Ds\Deque::sort — Sorts the deque in-place
- Ds\Deque::sorted — Returns a sorted copy
- Ds\Deque::sum — Returns the sum of all values in the deque
- Ds\Deque::toArray — Converts the deque to an array
- Ds\Deque::unshift — Adds values to the front of the deque
- Map — The Map class
- Ds\Map::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Map::apply — Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value
- Ds\Map::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Map::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Map::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Map::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the map
- Ds\Map::count — Returns the number of values in the map
- Ds\Map::diff — Creates a new map using keys that aren't in another map
- Ds\Map::filter — Creates a new map using a callable to determine which pairs to include
- Ds\Map::first — Returns the first pair in the map
- Ds\Map::get — Returns the value for a given key
- Ds\Map::hasKey — Determines whether the map contains a given key
- Ds\Map::hasValue — Determines whether the map contains a given value
- Ds\Map::intersect — Creates a new map by intersecting keys with another map
- Ds\Map::isEmpty — Returns whether the map is empty
- Ds\Map::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Map::keys — Returns a set of the map's keys
- Ds\Map::ksort — Sorts the map in-place by key
- Ds\Map::ksorted — Returns a copy, sorted by key
- Ds\Map::last — Returns the last pair of the map
- Ds\Map::map — Returns the result of applying a callback to each value
- Ds\Map::merge — Returns the result of adding all given associations
- Ds\Map::pairs — Returns a sequence containing all the pairs of the map
- Ds\Map::put — Associates a key with a value
- Ds\Map::putAll — Associates all key-value pairs of a traversable object or array
- Ds\Map::reduce — Reduces the map to a single value using a callback function
- Ds\Map::remove — Removes and returns a value by key
- Ds\Map::reverse — Reverses the map in-place
- Ds\Map::reversed — Returns a reversed copy
- Ds\Map::skip — Returns the pair at a given positional index
- Ds\Map::slice — Returns a subset of the map defined by a starting index and length
- Ds\Map::sort — Sorts the map in-place by value
- Ds\Map::sorted — Returns a copy, sorted by value
- Ds\Map::sum — Returns the sum of all values in the map
- Ds\Map::toArray — Converts the map to an array
- Ds\Map::union — Creates a new map using values from the current instance and another map
- Ds\Map::values — Returns a sequence of the map's values
- Ds\Map::xor — Creates a new map using keys of either the current instance or of another map, but not of both
- Pair — The Pair class
- Ds\Pair::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Pair::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Pair::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the pair
- Ds\Pair::isEmpty — Returns whether the pair is empty
- Ds\Pair::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Pair::toArray — Converts the pair to an array
- Set — The Set class
- Ds\Set::add — Adds values to the set
- Ds\Set::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Set::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Set::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Set::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Set::contains — Determines if the set contains all values
- Ds\Set::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the set
- Ds\Set::count — Returns the number of values in the set
- Ds\Set::diff — Creates a new set using values that aren't in another set
- Ds\Set::filter — Creates a new set using a callable to determine which values to include
- Ds\Set::first — Returns the first value in the set
- Ds\Set::get — Returns the value at a given index
- Ds\Set::intersect — Creates a new set by intersecting values with another set
- Ds\Set::isEmpty — Returns whether the set is empty
- Ds\Set::join — Joins all values together as a string
- Ds\Set::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Set::last — Returns the last value in the set
- Ds\Set::merge — Returns the result of adding all given values to the set
- Ds\Set::reduce — Reduces the set to a single value using a callback function
- Ds\Set::remove — Removes all given values from the set
- Ds\Set::reverse — Reverses the set in-place
- Ds\Set::reversed — Returns a reversed copy
- Ds\Set::slice — Returns a sub-set of a given range
- Ds\Set::sort — Sorts the set in-place
- Ds\Set::sorted — Returns a sorted copy
- Ds\Set::sum — Returns the sum of all values in the set
- Ds\Set::toArray — Converts the set to an array
- Ds\Set::union — Creates a new set using values from the current instance and another set
- Ds\Set::xor — Creates a new set using values in either the current instance or in another set, but not in both
- Stack — The Stack class
- Ds\Stack::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Stack::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Stack::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Stack::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Stack::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the stack
- Ds\Stack::count — Returns the number of values in the stack
- Ds\Stack::isEmpty — Returns whether the stack is empty
- Ds\Stack::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Stack::peek — Returns the value at the top of the stack
- Ds\Stack::pop — Removes and returns the value at the top of the stack
- Ds\Stack::push — Pushes values onto the stack
- Ds\Stack::toArray — Converts the stack to an array
- Queue — The Queue class
- Ds\Queue::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Queue::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Queue::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Queue::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Queue::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the queue
- Ds\Queue::count — Returns the number of values in the queue
- Ds\Queue::isEmpty — Returns whether the queue is empty
- Ds\Queue::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Queue::peek — Returns the value at the front of the queue
- Ds\Queue::pop — Removes and returns the value at the front of the queue
- Ds\Queue::push — Pushes values into the queue
- Ds\Queue::toArray — Converts the queue to an array
- PriorityQueue — The PriorityQueue class
- Ds\PriorityQueue::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\PriorityQueue::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\PriorityQueue::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\PriorityQueue::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\PriorityQueue::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the queue
- Ds\PriorityQueue::count — Returns the number of values in the queue
- Ds\PriorityQueue::isEmpty — Returns whether the queue is empty
- Ds\PriorityQueue::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\PriorityQueue::peek — Returns the value at the front of the queue
- Ds\PriorityQueue::pop — Removes and returns the value with the highest priority
- Ds\PriorityQueue::push — Pushes values into the queue
- Ds\PriorityQueue::toArray — Converts the queue to an array

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